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Commonly Asked Questions

I don’t know if my practice will pass a CQC inspection at this moment and I am so busy. What can I do?

Firstly, you are not alone! You can have a Total Compliance Assessment which would involve a day on site, checking practice policies and procedures, reviewing audits and risk assessments, assessing the management of decontamination procedures and much more.


Will I get notice if I am to have a CQC inspection?

Usually, you will receive around 2 weeks’ notice of an inspection. Unannounced inspections are sometimes conducted where a cause for concern has been raised or following up from a previous inspection that did not meet the requirements.


How can I keep up to date with all the latest guidelines, legislation, and regulations around compliance?

There are many sources to glean this information however it can become very time consuming. At G’s Dental Compliance, time is spent meticulously researching the latest updates in all areas of dental compliance. This means you can spend more time doing dentistry and attending to your patients.


We are an orthodontic practice so will we have a different type of inspection than a general dental practice?

No, your practice will still be expected to demonstrate that you are meeting the 5 Key Lines of Enquiry which are, is the service safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led? G’s Dental Compliance has assisted many orthodontic practices as well as general dental practice.


How much time should I be spending on managing my practice’s compliance?

On average time spent managing compliance matters per week is around 8 hours. This can be reduced by implementing a robust system that reviews policies and procedures remain up to date and current. A terrific way to achieve this is by sharing responsibility among the team. G’s Dental Compliance can advise on how best to manage this in your practice.

G's DENTAL Compliance Consultancy is a dedicated team of professional consultants providing an end-to-end service ensuring your team and practice achieve complete CQC compliance âœ“

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